Imminent Death for Seniors

Let’s face it, there are entirely too many sickly seniors draining our health care system. These seniors are no longer productive and are not only costing a fortune in health care but are also draining our social security system. If these seniors were to be given a pain pill instead of expensive and painful surgery, our health care system would save the money we need to ensure the younger generation who would be productive. When the subject about giving the elderly a pain pill instead of expensive and painful surgery was discussed during ABC’s presentation, I thought the president must have studied some actuarial tables. I have often wondered if research in the field of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease as well as stem cell therapy had been underfunded because of the desire to keep older non-productive populations from growing.

If you happen to be a Star Trekker you know that the episodes in the first series told “fables.” One of those episodes about seniors comes to mind. It seemed that in this particular civilization where Captain Kirk and company found themselves a person who reached a certain old age was required to “celebrate” this particular birthday by getting into a capsule which was then jettisoned into space thereby leaving the person to die regardless of their health or any other circumstance. I am afraid that with the so-called government health care plan seniors will not be jettisoned into space but will instead be the ones with the rationed care or be given “The Pill”.