Health Care Reform or Show Me Your Papers


Is this really Health Care Reform? I doubt it? So many pages to read. Who has really read it? I doubt that anyone who mentions page numbers has read much of anything since most bills come in sections, articles and line numbers. Regardless, if this bill were about health care I think Congress would be willing to take it a…

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The Isis Bride


In the matter of the “Alabama Isis Bride” does it really matter to her parents if she returns to the United States under any punishment conditions? I wonder if her parents would be fighting for her to come back to the United States if her child were a girl? Just asking. I wonder if the…

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Imminent Death for Seniors


Let’s face it, there are entirely too many sickly seniors draining our health care system. These seniors are no longer productive and are not only costing a fortune in health care but are also draining our social security system. If these seniors were to be given a pain pill instead of expensive and painful surgery, our…

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